Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Day 4: Ft. Payne AL to New Orleans LA (The Finish!)

Final day. Just have to make the ~440 mi Interstate trek from Northern AL to the Big Easy.

The group was lined up in the Lowes parking lot for the start and got a police escort out of town. We departed by 9:30am. Challenge for the day was to find 6 BP/Amoco gas stations and have the team's picture taken in front of pump #1. We cranked this out rather easily once we got in the grove. The tough part was the signs that indicated the presence of a BP and there actually was none, or the reverse--driving past an exit at 70 mph and seeing a BP sign emerge from the trees. But we got them all.

While searching for our third sign however, we noticed the temp gauge had jumped up significantly. This didn't bode well as we were in lots of traffic lights looking for !@#$ BP stations. As it turns out, our second cooling fan switch melted. So, we just hot-wired everything together and hit the road. Pulling the fuse became our on/off switch from there on out.

As we lost much time we figured we were in the back of the pack (it was an Amazing Race moment). As we stopped for gas somewhere in Nowhere AL, we run into three other teams. One included the wrecked "Crapriolet" that was worked on for most of the night. We stayed with them for until just outside N.O. when we had to do a splash-and-go for gas.

We were behind that previously wrecked car for a good portion of the day and it was doing 70 easy all day long. Amazing.

We made it to our destination--The Hotel LeMoyne in the French Quarter with about 90 minutes to spare, got our challenges turned in and broke out the post race beverages.

The award ceremony was at 8--we didn't win anything but had a blast the whole time. I have to get my thoughts together to sum up the week, sort through hundreds of photos and a couple hours worth of video----so here are some pictures instead:

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